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StarTrek.com. Pretty much everyone knows the Halloween franchise's connection to Star Trek connection: The mask Michael Myers, the infamous Halloween villain, wears throughout the series is William Shatner's face. It had been rumored for decades that the mask the killer Michael Myers wore in the Halloween films was in fact based on Shatner's face. The infamous Michael Myers mask was a Captain Kirk face covering from "Star Trek" that was simply painted white. Die-hard fans of the scary cult slasher franchise “Halloween” know that Ironically, Halloween Kills features only the second time in the Halloween series that Myers’ face is shown to the audience; the first time being in the 1978 original featuring the Kirk mask The iconic mask has made Michael one of the most memorable villains in film history. Hiding behind the expressionless facade took all sense of humanity out of the man which is why he's often referred to as "The Shape". Michael Myers first acquired the white mask in 1978's Halloween after he escaped from Smith's Grove Sanitarium. The first mask used for the character of Michael Myers in the now-classic John Carpenter flick Halloween (1978) was a store-bought Captain Kirk mask, made by Don Post Studios (DPS). DPS had created what are called “life casts” of various actors during production of The Devil’s Rain (1975), and these molds made of the actor’s faces were Wrong Turn Tries To Subvert The Slasher Genre But Cuts Itself At The Feet. According to an Entertainment Weekly interview with director John Carpenter, Michael's signature pale mask was created by painting a cheap Captain Kirk mask and changing the hair. “My art director, Tommy Lee Wallace, found the mask up at Bert Wheeler’s Magic Shop on The story of Michael Myers' iconic Halloween mask is well-known lore for fans of the franchise: Director John Carpenter instructed art director Tommy Lee Wallace to find a mask. Wallace found a Captain Kirk mask, painted it white, changed the hair and created Michael Myers' distinct look. Recently, William Shatner, who played Kirk and is the The mass-murdering Michael Myers character in the Halloween series of films sports what was originally a Captain Kirk mask. One of the most iconic masks to feature prominently in movie history is In the films, Michael wears a white Halloween mask, as well as coveralls, which he usually steals from a victim. The mask used in the first film was a Captain Kirk mask that originated from a cast of William Shatner's face made for the 1975 horror film The Devil's Rain. [2] [3] Urban legends are sometimes true. For example, it had been rumored for decades that the mask the killer Michael Myers wore in the Halloween films was in fact based on William Shatner's face. Not just Shatner's face, but a Captain Kirk death mask created for Star Trek. It's an old story, but for those who've not heard it before or have but don't The 1975 Kirk mask was converted for the famous Halloween slasher antagonist Michael Myers! This is great on its own, but could be even better with the other costumes and accessories available in our store! Screen Used Masks 469; Captain Kirk Masks 507. Original DPS 1975 Captain Kirk Masks 141; Replica Kirk Masks 366; Halloween 1&2 Replica Masks 6371; H3 Masks 107; Halloween 4 Replica Masks 269; Halloween 5 Replica Masks 157; Halloween 6 Replica Masks 168; Halloween H20 Replica Masks 92; Halloween Resurrection Replica Masks 76; RZ Halloween 1&2 * * * A Halloween-Mask.com Exclusive * * * Cast from an Original 1975 Master, this Captain Kirk, William Shatner, from Star Trek fame later to become the mask used as Michael Myers is a collectors dream! William Shatner said he thought it was a joke when he first found out that Michael Myers uses an altered Captain Kirk mask in the "Halloween" movies.. The "Star Trek" actor opened up about SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CELEB INTERVIEWS! Emmy-Winner Jake Hamilton talks with legend William Shatner about preserving his life story using Storyfile technology, George P. Wilbur’s initial turn as Michael Myers in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) introduced another less-than-stellar mask. This version appears oddly surprised, with a rounded face that not only deviates from the menacing features fans expected but also lacks any of the eerie shadows usually cast by Myers’ iconic visage.