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Nogizaka46 12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE to be streamed online! “Nogizaka46 12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE” will be held at Saitama Super Arena for 4 days from March 7th (Thu) to 10th (Sun), 2024, with a Stagecrowd stream for fans abroad! Get your tickets now! Nogizaka46 is celebrating their debut with the “BIRTHDAY LIVE” performance for the 12th 会員制サイト. 定額制動画サービス. 乃木坂46. OFFICIAL YouTube CHANNEL. 乃木坂配信中. 「乃木坂46」のオフィシャルウェブサイト。最新の出演情報やスケジュール、メンバープロフィール、ディスコグラフィ、ライブ情報などを掲載しています。. Nogizaka46 Concerts Chronology; Nogizaka46 34th SG Under Live (2024.01.25 - 2024.01.27) Nogizaka46 12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE (2024.03.07 - 2024.03.10) Nogizaka46 Yamashita Mizuki Graduation Concert (2024.05.11 - 2024.05.12) Announced on Thursday's (Jan 11, 2024) NogiHaishinchu along with the 11th BDL BluRays. It will be held at the Saitama Super Arena March 7 to March 10. They're going to touch every year, but not sure if they're singing all songs. Day 1 (03.07): 2011-2014 (1st - 10th singles) Day 2 (03.08): 2015-2017 (11th - 19th singles, 1st, 2nd 3rd albums) 151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced.mp4 Size: 2.2 GB | Duration: 00:41:57 | Video: 3840x2160, Bit rate: 6817 Kbps, 60.000 fps | Audio: 329 Kbps, 44 Khz Download Nogizaka46 12th Year Birthday Live will be held for 4 days March 7-10, 2024. Venue: Saitama Super Arena Setlist for 4 days: DAY 1: 2011-2014 DAY 2: 2015-2017 DAY 3: 2018-2020 DAY 4: 2021-2024 Each day will look back on the history of Nogizaka46 by selecting carefully selected songs from singles and albums released in each period. 5年ぶりドームツアー決定!. 「真夏の全国ツアー2024」公演情報. 大阪公演 会場:京セラドーム⼤阪. 2024年7⽉20⽇ (⼟) 開場 15:30 / 開演 18:00. 2024年7⽉21⽇ (⽇) 開場 14:30 / 開演 17:00. 愛知公演 会場:バンテリンドームナゴヤ. 2024年8⽉24⽇ (⼟) 開場 15:30 / 開演 151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced akb48ma com.mp4 Size: 2.2 GB | Duration: 00:41:57 | Video: 3840x2160, Bit rate: 6817 Kbps, 2024.05.11 - 2024.05.12 Nogizaka46 35th SG Under Live (乃木坂46 35th SG アンダーライブ) 2024.06.07 - 2024.06.09 Nogizaka46 LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024: 2024.06.28 Nogizaka46 Summer National Tour 2024 (乃木坂46 真夏の全国ツアー2024) 2024.07.20 - 2024.09.04 Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live (乃木坂46 36th SG アンダーライブ) 【Webstream】230603 Hito wa Yume wo Nido Miru Mini Live NOGIZAKA46 32nd Single (Stagecrowd) 【Webstream】221219 Nogizaka46 31st SG Under Live (@ KT Zepp Yokohama) 【Webstream】231028 Hinatazaka YouTube Channel (Halloween Night Live StreamingArchive]) 【Webstream】231127 Nogizaka46 5-kisei Shinzanmono (LIVE at THEATER MILANO-Za) 1080p 151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced akb48ma com.mp4 Size: 2.2 GB | Duration: 00:41:57 | Video: 3840x2160, Bit rate: 6817 Kbps, 【Webstream】151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced - 【Webstream】2016 Nogizaka46 vs Kishidan One night carneval (Enhanced) 【Webstream】151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced (TV-Variety)(720p) 大島優子 – 旅ずきんちゃん 141109 [TV-Variety] IDOLiSH7 – M-ON! SPECIAL 「アイドリッシュセブン」 ~REUNION~ (2019.09.29) [TV-Variety] バゲット – 2019.11.19 2016 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced akb48ma com.mp4 Size: Download, JMusic, Movies, Magazine, Tv-Show, Updated Daily 【Webstream】240830 bis Autumn 2024 Nogizaka46 Concerts Chronology; Nogizaka46 35th SG Under Live (2024.06.07 - 2024.06.09) Nogizaka46 LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 (2024.06.28) Nogizaka46 Summer National Tour 2024 Download fast and secure This year's “NOGIZAKA46 SUMMER TOUR 2024” will take the group on a dome and stadium tour of Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo! The tour finale will be held at Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium! We will be live streaming all three performances held at Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium again this year! NOGIZAKA46 HALLOWEEN LIVE 2015 151128 Nogizaka46 Halloween live enhanced.mp4 Size: 2.2 GB | Duration: 00:41:57 | Video: 3840x2160, Bit rate: 6817 Kbps, 60.000 fps | Audio: 329 Kbps, 44 Khz Download Nogizaka46 Summer National Tour 2024 (乃木坂46 真夏の全国ツアー2024) is an upcoming tour by Nogizaka46. It is scheduled to take place from July to This year's “NOGIZAKA46 SUMMER TOUR 2024” will take the group on a dome and stadium tour of Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo! The tour finale will be held at Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium! We will be live streaming all three performances held at Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium again this year!
