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Overview. It was a warm summer and Emma Tate was taking some of her friends over to Haddonfield to see her great grandmother Pamela Strode, but they soon found themselves in Emma's great uncle Michael Myers' path of destruction, as Michael came back to put the Myers and Strode family names to rest - finally ending the bloodline after many years Tony Moran is back!!! Michael returns to put the Myers and Strode family names to rest. Check out all the release dates for the DVD, Cinema, Blu-ray & VOD versions of the movie Halloween: The Night Evil Died. Watch the latest trailers, view images, and track the movie's progress to stay updated on its release dates. After “Halloween” and “Halloween 2”, the series became muddy. She wanted the series to be relevant again. It also had a few characters from the original, like Marion Whittington, Loomis’ nurse. Q: What is your least favorite entry of the franchise? Probably “Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.” Meet the talented cast and crew behind 'Halloween: The Night Evil Died' on Moviefone. Explore detailed bios, filmographies, and the creative team's insights. Dive into the heart of this movie All about Movie: directors and actors, reviews and ratings, trailers, stills, backstage. Emily Lanelle, Sarah Cortez, Brandon Tyler Russell, Juli Eric Let's hope that this doesn't go the way of previous Halloween fan films It was recently announced that John Carpenter was teaming up with Blumhouse Productions for the next installment in the Halloween franchise. One of the top three slasher franchises of all time, Michael Myers was bound to show up again, on any sized IMDB. 2017, 120 minutes. Michael returns to put the Myers and Strode family names to rest. Halloween: The Night Evil Died (2017) Kohl V. Bladen Following the events of Halloween Resurrection, Emma and her friends take a road trip to Haddonfield to meet her Great Grandmother Pamela Strode. I'm thrilled to share with you the opening credits of "Halloween: The Night Evil Died", a film that sadly never made it to the big screen due to a cease-and- Halloween: The Night Evil Died (2017) directed by Kohl V. Bladen, Jeffrey J. Moore. Movie information, genre, rating, running time, photos, trailer, synopsis and user Halloween: The Night Evil Died是由托尼·莫兰/Sarah Cortez/布兰登·泰勒·罗素/Emily Pearse/Juli Erickson/Emily Lanelle/Loyal Thomas Ruddell/Gradey Filion/Sarah Palmer/Matt Hough/Emilee Carrasco等主演的恐怖片,片吧网提供Halloween: The Night Evil Died迅雷和bt下载以及剧情介绍,Following the events of Halloween Resurrection and the death of Emma's f About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright A Halloween film made by fans for fans! | Check out 'Halloween The Night Evil Died Fan Film' on Indiegogo. Chapter Text. Chapter 5: The BAU Massacre. BAU Headquarters. It was deathly quiet when they reached the headquarters building, the trio slowly stepping out of their cars with their guns drawn. But now, Michael has found her and he won't stop until she's dead. He has a twisted obsession with murdering his family and anyone who gets in his way. Perhaps in his sick, evil mind, he thinks it will bring them back together. Evil has come here, agent. And you only have until this Halloween to find her before it does.” He said quietly. Rossi looked over, gesturing. “Bring him here. It's time to end this.” He said calmly, sighing as he took out a lighter. It became a spectacle, gaining attention from a few neighbors who had wandered out into the night, to watch evil be put to rest. Aaron parked as well, people gathering for what would be a grand event. “My mom, my real mother, used to tell me the stars are the souls of the dead and on Halloween night, they watch over us.” Allison whispered, closing her eyes while she thought of Laurie. She missed her so much. Spencer nodded a little, smiling slightly. Chapter Text. Chapter 2: Remember The Boogeyman? October 28. JJ and Will's residence. It was a lovely four bedroom home, with potted plants outside as well as two jack o'lanterns on the porch with cutely carved smiles.